Pressemitteilung der
ZEIT Verlagsgruppe

3. September 2018

Michael Douglas loves his wife more than ever after their marital crisis

In the current ZEITmagazin MANN, actor Michael Douglas talks about overcoming his marital crisis: “There is only one chance in such a situation: both really have to want to make the relationship work again. If either one of them is already out the door, you can forget it”, says the 73-year-old about his marriage to the actress Catherine-Zeta Jones, which fell into crisis five years ago. “Catherine and I had counselling together, and we found our way back together. I love her now more than ever.”

We would be glad to send you the German version of the complete article for citations. Please indicate the source “ZEITmagazin MANN”. The new edition is published on Tuesday, 4 September 2018.