Pressemitteilung der
ZEIT Verlagsgruppe

14. März 2017

Robert De Niro feels “deeply offended” by Trump’s behaviour

In the new edition of ZEITmagazin MANN, actor Robert De Niro talks about his anti-Trump video that caused a worldwide sensation on the Internet before the US elections. In the video, De Niro called the US president an idiot. “I still think the same about him as I did when I made the video. The way the guy has behaved since then, let’s not fool ourselves: This is what he is!”

De Niro says that he didn’t always think so badly about Donald Trump: “All these years I had nothing against him, but I was also not particularly interested in him. When we once had fire damage at home, I even lived for a while in his hotel. But once I heard his campaign speeches, I got mad at him. I can’t put it any other way: I feel deeply offended by his entire behaviour.”

French photographer Brigitte Lacombe took pictures of Robert De Niro for the cover of the current issue of ZEITmagazin MANN. Please indicate the source “ZEITmagazin MANN”.

The new edition is published on Tuesday, 14 March 2017; its copy price is 8.50 euros.