Pressemitteilung der
ZEIT Verlagsgruppe

12. März 2018

ZEITmagazin MANN: Ethan Hawke holds back new novel

The actor Ethan Hawke, 47, tells ZEITmagazin MANN that he has finished a new novel, his fourth: “But the novel turned out to be so personal that I want to wait for my children to grow up before publishing it. They are still in their teens. I have to consider their development.” He also remembers the worries he had before publishing his first novel “The Hottest State” when he was 26: “Publishing the novel was scary, because I was outside my comfort zone. But I just wanted to try it out. I think it’s a trait of mine that I like to try things out. Of course it hurts when things go wrong, but in the end life is about daring to do something. Even today I’m still trying to fight against habits and somehow to keep a beginner’s spirit. This works quite well with writing books.”

Please indicate the source “ZEITmagazin MANN”. The new edition is published on Tuesday, 13 March 2018.